Specialty Dishes

Spaghetti or Penne Pasta — With your choice of meatballs or Homemade Italian sausage chunks, topped with our homemade meat sauce.
Lasagna with Meatballs — A dish made with several layers of lasagna sheets alternated with meat sauce, ricotta, and cheese. Served with two meatballs. (Ask if available) 
Baked Spicy Mac and Cheese — Penne pasta tossed in sharp cheddar cheese, bacon, chopped tomatoes, and jalapeño peppers. Topped with mozzarella. (Ask if available)
Penne Florentine — Penne pasta with Italian sausage, spinach, toasted pine nuts, and parmesan cheese, tossed in a homemade garlic butter sauce.
Pasta Bolognese — A meaty red sauce slow simmered with sausage and ground chuck, minced veggies, seasonings and spaghetti sauce served over spaghetti. (Ask if available)
Baked Ziti — Penne pasta tossed with our red sauce, pesto, sausage, diced tomatoes, and spinach. Topped with mozzarella and baked.
Chicken Parmesan — Breaded boneless chicken breast, fried and topped with our homemade sauce, parmesan and provolone cheeses. Served on a bed of spaghetti.
Rustic Pasta — Sautéed onions, red and green peppers, and Italian sausage, tossed with penne pasta in our homemade pasta sauce, then topped with cheese.
Spaghetti Aglio Olio —  Fresh garlic, butter, olive oil, Romano cheese, crushed red pepper, Italian bread crumbs and garlic pepper. With chicken or sausage.                                                                                  Chicken or Shrimp Alfredo — Grilled Chicken Breast or Sautéed Shrimp on top of our homemade alfredo sauce with linguini.                                                                                                                                             Shrimp Scampi — Garlic Sautéed Shrimp on speghetti tossed with fresh garlic, butter, olive oil, white wine and lemon.

Please understand this is our full menu. Certain items may not be available depending on availabilty of ingrediensts.


It's special choice for today's menu
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Natoque. Consequat. Mollis orci. Nam sociis cubilia platea hymenaeos, sapien. Habitant augue mus nullam pulvinar consectd.


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